Sunday, April 11, 2010



Vol. 8

The definition of “normal” is conforming to type or standard. The challenge with that definition is that “normal” differs depending on the person. That is a pretty hard standard for us to live up to when the target keeps moving.

I bring that up because the quest for my wife and I to become more eco-sensitive seems to make people think we have jumped off the deep end and are now living outside the norm. Maybe I am reading to far into this, but here are some interactions we have had recently with folks. You be the judge.

  • You guys aren’t going to have time to do anything because you will be spending all your time reading labels.
  • You are walking to work? Why? Oh, that is fine now, but what are you going to do when it is 110 degrees?
  • Really, you shop at Whole Foods? It would be nice to have money to burn.
  • Organic foods don’t taste any different.
  • It is a myth that organic foods are healthier for you.
  • Do you feel weaker now that you aren’t eating meat?
  • I like to live my life in the middle, I will never have a compost - it’s too extreme. Hey, I recycle, I don’t throw my stuff out the car window.

The funny thing about this is that Kelly and I are not wearing this on our sleeves. Sure, we talk to people about it, but it is not like we are out on the street corner, wearing a sandwich board and telling people they are going to hell. (Ok, Kelly does on Thursday evenings, but it is not like she does it every day). It just comes up in conversation. I am just a bit surprised that folks seem to get more defensive over our eating and shopping habits than they do about us not having cable TV. Of our choices I think the TV thing was more of a deep end jump considering TV and I have a long storied relationship together. Seriously, TV and I go way back. Oh the stories I could tell. Sorry, where was I? Oh yeah, now I remember.

Have you ever just wanted to punch someone in the face? Maybe twice, then kick them when they are down? Chuckle while they look for their tooth in grass? Yeah? Me too! But we don’t. Life is full of choices like that. Moving towards living a more eco-sensitive lifestyle is about choices. Daily little choices and some larger lifestyle choices, but the bottom line is that they are just choices. Living a more eco-sensitive lifestyle is not about having the money to do so. Really, it isn’t. You are going to spend money anyway. It just comes down to what are you going to spend your money on? How much of your salary each month goes to things you can’t remember what you spent it on? Not a judgment, just asking. Would you believe that our grocery bill has gone down because we stopped buying meat, but buy 85 percent organic on everything else? I am pretty sure if we added the meat back in we would break even. It is about choices. Do we need this today or can we wait until next week or until it goes on sale? It is process that takes time because some things do cost more. You do not have to go all-in tomorrow. Small steps. Kelly and I are still doing a little bit at a time. Hell, I still drive a vehicle that gets 16.4 miles to the gallon. The two challenges I have with trading it in are: 1. I love it. 2. I don’t owe anything on it. No car payment currently out-weighs my need for something more eco-friendly.

As I have said in previous posts, I am not an expert, but I strive to know more. The more I learn, the greater the chance I make good choices. You see, education without application is a waste. As Kelly and I continue to learn, we can’t ignore it. As we gain knowledge, we are armed to make better choices. We know we can’t afford to make all of them, but we will do what we can. If there are varying shades of green, we will be as rich a color green as we can.

On a side note: Thank you to all who recommended Food, Inc. It was a rousing tale of one-sided storytelling, but enjoyable. Not sure I will be able to look at red meat the same way again, so again, thank you.


Read Living Like Ed. Great book to let you know you have a long way to go before you are off the deep end!

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