Thursday, March 4, 2010




Is it a bad sign when you smell old grease heating up and the first thought that hits your mind is something like: “mmmmm bacon!”?

I am wondering when the feelings of fear will dissipate, and I will have confidence in the meat substitutes? Does that feeling ever go away? Do you just one day start fully trusting that things will be wonderful or do you just settle and say “how bad can it be really?” I have entered 3 meals prepared to literally choke them down.

The first was Quorn. Yes Quorn. A meat substitute made from a fungus that grows in England. It is pretty tasty! Quorn may just be the Beatles of the Fungus world! Get it? They are both from England and hugely popular? I can just hear the other Fungi talking. Man those Quorn are awesome! Sorry for the qualifier, but my wife did not get the reference.

Next was my first encounter with a veggie burger. It would be less scary if the restaurant would tell you what the hell is in it. They just list veggie burger. Is it don’t ask, don’t tell, or do they just not want to know either?

Third was a taste of split pea soup. Just a taste. I don’t like peas that much let alone split, pureed put in soup. The color is a bit odd looking to me as well. Maybe a name change is in order. Rather than split pea, it could be sweet pea, wonder pea, or I have to….

So, three times I prepared to choke down food, three times I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe veggies and fungi have gotten a bad rap. Maybe, but it has only been four days. Time will tell. So far, I just know that mushrooms aren’t the only fungi in town anymore!

On a side note….

Did you know that Herbivores consume plants to receive carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis and Carnivores eat the Herbivore for the same reason? This must be why humans that chose the path of vegetarianism decided on the name vegetarian or vegan rather than herbivore. Dinners got awkward when family and friends would invite them to dinner and when they arrived the hosts were wearing bibs and following them around with salt and butter. I could take this farther, but you get the picture.




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